Wednesday, August 15, 2007

i dont understand woman

well im really, really at a loss, this kinnda says it all (change a few words) its by brand new btw just incase anyone is intrested, song title: jude law and the semester abroad... enjoy cause im to srewed up right now to say much more


Whatever poison's in this bottle will leave me broken sore and stiff.
But it's the genie at the bottom who I'm sucking at. He owes me one last wish.
So here's a present to let you know I still exist.
I hope the next boy that you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips.

But I got a plan to Drink for forty days and forty nights.
A sip for every second-hand tick. And for every time you fed me the line,
"you mean so much to me...".

So tell all the English boys you meet,
about the American boy back in the states.
The American boy you used to date.
Who would do anything you say.

even if her plane crashes tonight she'll find some way to disappoint me,
by not burning in the wreckage,or drowning at the bottom of the sea
jess i still taste you, and thus reserve my right to hate you
and all this empty space that you create does nothing for my flawless sense of style
it's 8:45 the weather is getting better by the hour (hope rains all the time)
if you ever said you miss me then don't say you never lied

gonna get it right,
you're never gonna get it

okay no more songs about you.
after this one i am're gone.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm in quite a reflective mode at the moment, I'm just thinking about things that I've done in the past and things that are changing and coming up in the future.... looking forward to this week a good friend of mine who means alot to me is coming back to England over the next 24hours and i cant wait to see her....

im not gonna go into much more detail that that but it makes me feel quite lucky and optimistic about making things work at the same time im conscious about changing some things and feeling a little spiritual at the same time....

ive heard that things come in 3's ive got at least 2 big things of note happening this week im looking for s symbol that will indicate the 3rd


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

got back from a long weekend, went to the glass barrel with Mr. Paul on Saturday night then ended up in a half dodgy pub was a good laugh and i got to hear some tunes i don't usually get to here out :) highlight of the night was Paul telling this random guy at his house that his landlord isn't his mum :D haha so funny!

we had an awesome time in derby this Sunday at the gig really impressed with Ellie playing Truth or Dare as she had never heard the song and had half hour to learn her part... thumbs up cause it sounded amazing on stage! go Ellie!

smoking ban kicked in Sunday, its such an odd thing to see groups of people outside every pub in the country i can only see it causing so much trouble around town centers on busy club nights drunks loitering outside ever club and bar...

went to the Ritz last night, again got Rather smashed to top of a long weekend highlight was seeing Squeak :) brings back a lot of fond memory's of a few years ago every Monday night... i miss those days!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

i hope that, that you are happyi hope that at least you are having fun


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

hi first a quick update on things.. my finger is healing relatively well although i don't think it is ever going to be the right shape, that said I'm glad to have it back and a am just just about gaining full mobility, of my hand. as you can imagine having your hand stuck in 1 place for over a month, you loos a little bit of the mobility...

we also have started work on our demo, our Label "b-grade records" are being very supportive in this process and we are all please with the results so far.. we appreciate people are anxious about hearing the results and we apologise that this has taken so long to get started on as we have all had alot going on this past month with download and exams, moving houses and such.

on a personal note, im alright had a few changes going on in my life at the moment and im excited for the future, ive learnt alot about some things over the past couple of weeks and... im hoping to take things a bit slower, let the world fall into place around me and hope my missgivings about a few people, fade away into time...


Thursday, May 3, 2007

a medical mystery

i was playing football last night and the worst thing that could possibly happen, happened! i was only in goal for 5mins and i must have made about 3 saves.. take the gloves off and my middle finger on my left hand is bend down (as if i was double jointed)... i didn't feel any pain but i couldn't close my hand, to be honest at the time, i was slightly confused about it as i dint even remember it happening but it visually looked broken.. i carried on playing as best i could, obviously a little distracted...

after the game i did the sensible thing and walked down to MRI to get it checked out spent next few hours with the drunks and the violent in the hospital.. had an x-ray or 2 and was seen by a doctor, strange thing tho, nothing... x-ray shows up as fine, well my hand visually doesn't look fine, no breaks or dislocations.. i cant understand it! my finger wasn't that shape before i went in net and i cant close my fist so obviously their must be something wrong with it! but according to the doctor it is fine!

gotta go next week and get it checked out again, right now its in a brace and hurting a tiny bit but its being kept straight, lets hope by next Wednesday it heals in that possession otherwise i don't know what we are going to do as we have a gig!

anyway its somewhat of a mystery as my finger just doesn't bend that way!


Sunday, April 29, 2007

and if theirs nothing left to say...

some people cant leave well enough alone, im not going to go into more details, but i cant understand sometimes what talking will achieve, not that i dont think talking sometimes helps but whats the point in talking about feelings when someone isnt sure what they even are.. i also don't understand people acting irrationally when its only going to make a situation worse, forcing someone to spend time with you or talk about feelings is totally the wrong thing to do when that person just wants a bit of space and some time to reflect on things...

anyway, I'm off now to "talk" i hardly have anything to say except:
"i bind you from doing harm to yourself"


Saturday, April 28, 2007

where my nails went

had the most nearv-racking affternoon of my life! or at least for he past few years and you can blame football for this!

last game of the season my exeter city playing southport (who are already relegated) at home.... have to settle for Internet coverage so im spending most of the afternoon glued to my computer, following the game and the other game.... what do we go and do, blow it first half.... my heart sinks and im thinking well that's it for another year we will be playing tinpot FC in tinpot prem again for Xnumber of years

i have to leave at halftime for work, and by the time i get here its all said and done, and i cant stand to look! so with my heart at this point back up 2my mouth i glance at the results and YESSSSSSSSS

2-1 exeter we did it, im not 100% sure of how we managed to turn it around but bring on Oxford and hope Paul Tisdale red and white army can make it all the way to wembaly

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

death by myspace

Myspace love it or hate it these days it’s apart of internet life. Whilst I have many friends who do not use the site a lot of friends and indeed acquaintances do. The reason I’m writing this is because of some recent events with someone I’ve been seeing (no im not going to drop names as it wouldn’t be appropriate). The person in question who in so many ways is a lovely girl and has made me really happy over the recent past however from my experience at least she seams to have some trust issues which have come to ahead over myspace.

I would like to point out at here that this blog is not intended to be a criticism of her or her views but rather an exploration of my feelings regarding recent events and myspace over the past week or so. The girl in question claims to hate myspae and especially has strong opinions regarding decency and what can be termed “myspace whores”. Whilst this I respect, I would be the first to confess to having some people who post revealing pictures on their myspace page, some friends I know, some I don’t know so well but I would argue all have the right to post what ever they want on their personal pages and others including myself then have the right to comment. Anyway as recent events have transpired the girl im referring to who claims to hate msypace has taken it upon herself to read into some of these comments and take them out of the context that they were intended, even worse she seams to hold resentment for some of the people I am friends with and this has manifested its self in mistrust for me. Which, I’m currently finding very hard to deal with.

Now I realise this is a public journal and the bands, not my own so im not going to go into details about some of the things im thinking and feeling they are personal to me and im rather mixed up enough about them at the moment but what im trying to illustrate is how silly and sorry it is when a really nice relationship can be destroyed by a seed of mistrust, I don’t blame myspace and I don’t blame the person this is referring to but sometimes people aren’t compatible and its strange an internet site can be the cause of a relationship breakdown


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

everybody singing

just firstly wanted to say well done to Enter Shikari who last week got their album into UK top 20 album charts. the amazing thing is that they don't have a label or management and basically run things them self's, its a testament to determined unsigned bands and I'm certainly going to be looking into them a bit more if only to maybe learn a little about how they did things..

anyway was talking to a Friend of mine today and she was saying that she heard paramore in a club and didn't really like them. whilst i respect her opinion and of course we are all allowed to like or dislike whatever music we want it got me thinking about paramore and how much i love their music and respect what they are doing. i think apart for me liking the music and personally loving Hayley Williams voice from everything I've seen and read about paramore they seam like one of the nicest bands I've ever encountered, if anyone doubts this id say go do a little search on you tube at all the clips of paramore, just hanging out with fans and meeting people. I'm a big fan of the acoustic set they seam to put on for fans often in the afternoon before shows. its really refreshing to watch how down to earth they are, and their live journal ( is also worth a good read..

paramore to me at the moment are a little spark of inspiration :)


Monday, April 9, 2007

gigs around the country

we just got back from a gig last night in Sheffield, was a awesome gig set went well and a lovely venue what struck me thought was the audience, or lack of for that matter! the place wasn't exactly full in fact the whole city was dead. which to me was striking because when me and Jim got back to Manchester things were buzzing (even at times fighting). to me this is a real shame because as mark put it "and when they wonder where their music scene went they will wonder why" it's sad to go to places and their be little interest in the gig scene.

must point out the contrast this had with derby the Sunday before which was buzzing... the whole experience has made me wonder why some city's are so uninterested in live music. Manchester isn't from experience as supportive as it could be with its local rock/metal bands but that may have something to do with its Indy pasts, whats Sheffield's excuse?
