Tuesday, June 12, 2007

hi first a quick update on things.. my finger is healing relatively well although i don't think it is ever going to be the right shape, that said I'm glad to have it back and a am just just about gaining full mobility, of my hand. as you can imagine having your hand stuck in 1 place for over a month, you loos a little bit of the mobility...

we also have started work on our demo, our Label "b-grade records" are being very supportive in this process and we are all please with the results so far.. we appreciate people are anxious about hearing the results and we apologise that this has taken so long to get started on as we have all had alot going on this past month with download and exams, moving houses and such.

on a personal note, im alright had a few changes going on in my life at the moment and im excited for the future, ive learnt alot about some things over the past couple of weeks and... im hoping to take things a bit slower, let the world fall into place around me and hope my missgivings about a few people, fade away into time...


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