Wednesday, April 11, 2007

death by myspace

Myspace love it or hate it these days it’s apart of internet life. Whilst I have many friends who do not use the site a lot of friends and indeed acquaintances do. The reason I’m writing this is because of some recent events with someone I’ve been seeing (no im not going to drop names as it wouldn’t be appropriate). The person in question who in so many ways is a lovely girl and has made me really happy over the recent past however from my experience at least she seams to have some trust issues which have come to ahead over myspace.

I would like to point out at here that this blog is not intended to be a criticism of her or her views but rather an exploration of my feelings regarding recent events and myspace over the past week or so. The girl in question claims to hate myspae and especially has strong opinions regarding decency and what can be termed “myspace whores”. Whilst this I respect, I would be the first to confess to having some people who post revealing pictures on their myspace page, some friends I know, some I don’t know so well but I would argue all have the right to post what ever they want on their personal pages and others including myself then have the right to comment. Anyway as recent events have transpired the girl im referring to who claims to hate msypace has taken it upon herself to read into some of these comments and take them out of the context that they were intended, even worse she seams to hold resentment for some of the people I am friends with and this has manifested its self in mistrust for me. Which, I’m currently finding very hard to deal with.

Now I realise this is a public journal and the bands, not my own so im not going to go into details about some of the things im thinking and feeling they are personal to me and im rather mixed up enough about them at the moment but what im trying to illustrate is how silly and sorry it is when a really nice relationship can be destroyed by a seed of mistrust, I don’t blame myspace and I don’t blame the person this is referring to but sometimes people aren’t compatible and its strange an internet site can be the cause of a relationship breakdown


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