Tuesday, December 12, 2006

lalalal a little bit drunk will write more later!

have fun!
xx gaz

Saturday, December 9, 2006

A hag of lettuce

yes yes wednesday was fun fun fun.
thanks for everyone to come to it.

my eyes hurt and my back is old and worn. or do i mean torn?

to avoid problems go out and sail amongst the faeries. give them sand, and shoes and a wink of the head.

Mr Rob.

Friday, December 8, 2006

remember remember the 6th of December!

Hey firstly we wanna say thanks to everyone who came out to the debut aurora-project gig at the attic on Wednesday we had a blast playing for you guys and seeing a lot of old friends as well as meeting some new ones! It was a long night for us guys and as one of the support bands didn’t show up we were working with a little bit of a thinner backline, noticeably minus a bass amp. We hope everyone enjoyed the show and give credit to the hostile promotions for putting on a grate night and the perfect way for aurora-project to show our fans it was worth the wait!

We will be taking it easy over Christmas working on some new songs and getting ready for the next gig which is on the 19th of February. We might also have some new recordings for people to listen to in the not so distant future!


Wednesday, December 6, 2006


larch have no needles left i say.

but i got hit by tree on my way home. it hurt. there was a storm of magic wondering proportions, and signs in trees.

lots of stuff going on, but i am not telling anyone it.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

What am I to do with my life (tonight)….

Had an awesome night last night at the Ritz, think my alcohol tolerance is going down or something took me far 2 long to get into drinking but I guess £1.20 a john smiths helps alot and so normal service has resumed! By that I mean the Monday night of the past 5 years… can’t help but miss subspace though and I’m sure I will spend some Mondays at the other interesting night that’s started around Manchester…

Not 100% sure what to do with my self this evening (that is if carcinogenic aren’t practicing) had the chance to spent the evening with one of the people I love most in the world the wonderful Dana, her birthday 2day, I’m just really happy I got to see her last night and its so tempting to get the train down to crew and go out with her in a different city, need to get in contact with my band first! *gripe* people who have mobile phones should answer them and if you don’t then don’t come moaning to me about not bloody having one! Ok gripe over!

So my other options are take the night off, pop to a pub somewhere or go to satins, sitting her writing this being completely lazy seams to wins out but then I cant be bothered watching champions league football, or playing computer games at the moment.. maybe out of boredom ill go out?.... I’m really happy at the moment truth is over the moon about seeing an old friend in a week or 2, I just often get fed up at home… sitting in front of a computer all evening, I often go out just because of that!

Anyway who knows what this night will bring….
Remember aurora-project debut gig tomorrow £3 at the attic we are headlining, so get their for about half 9 or earlier to check out the other bands…

Tattoo appointment on Thursday and also grievance hearing at work (should be fun)


Sunday, December 3, 2006

17 ducks

Yey Levellers were AMAZING. Yes - I guess it helps alot if you know the songs!
Today is the start of a fruit mixering dish. they squandered chances for silvering and played half of the time inside one of those small sandwich boxes with the little side flaps on to keep things inside fresh.
that said - only a couple of days till our first ever gig, and i suspect uncle that it will soon be. said.
fun fun fun.

wooooo i want to buy a campingness van and live in it. i am planning this and they are soaking within that thing you know the story., not me.

am i the backing genius? i think directly so.

grrr anti-customer made today/

Mr Rob :)

whats he on?!

Went to see levellers last night with Mr Rob, was an interesting gig for me not really being into the levellers but being into similar music. first thing to say is they put on an amazing show, and the crowed seamed to love it, think it helps obviously to know the songs but I had a good time watching them (especially the bass player what he on!) think to anyone who reads this id say the levellers are a band people should see... I’m not sure what I think of them, never really had a desire to listen to them but they seam to have widespread appeal, and a very strange mixture of people in the crowd!

anyway... I’m relatively happy at the moment my only minor gripe is with people who don’t do anything then think you owe them the world or deserve more credit for it that then deserve... not really going to go into this one but i think blatantly lazy people get nowhere and using the excuse of ignorance to a situation, isn’t an excuse either.. if you don’t know ask or find out, or at least put in some effort and get involved, the world wont fall into place at your feat!

Friday, December 1, 2006

idea for a night

thinking of starting a country rock and role night somewhere.... we don't have on in Manchester, i think the nearest thing to it is big hands who do (or at least use to do) an Americana night.. but im thinking proper honky-tonk style night... saw dust on the floor (club permitting) full of up beat new country and 12 bar blues and songs about drinking and not being over your girlfriend!

don't know tho its hard to gauge demand for such a night im not sure apart form myself how many people would be up for that apart from Mr rob and a few lik minded friends. it would be interesting to see what kind of crowd would turn up to such a thing, a few American students or alot of old bikers and cowboys... a line dancing class.... folk fans? no idea

guess im looking at another idea to get myself out of doing a real job, not sure how i would again fit that in with the band or tragiceye, maybe the aurora-project redneck set! might be something to work on at band practice!


Wednesday, November 29, 2006


played a gig on Monday last min as part of the tragiceye nights with my other band carcinogenic, we actually played the week before at night and day, as part of the girls on film night.. 2 gigs in 2 weeks is pretty good going for a new band and with the first aurora-project gig literary a week away, I've been thinking allot about the possibility of doing this full time (working in a band).

I'm pretty busy now musically with 2 bands and also tragiceye but non of them unfortunately provide enough income for my self to think about leaving my current job at the same time though the amount of time and commitment all 3 of these projects takes, it often feels like their should be more rewards for ones efforts, I'm not saying i don't enjoy it or that you don't make your own opportunities just that as any struggling musician knows this isn't the industry to think about making a quick fortune in!

then i look at allot of the bands i like walls of Jericho, dry kill logic, paramore and many more and i think to my self these guys are just doing it for the enjoyment and the lifestyle. it makes me think that with the right attitude (towards the commitment of a full tour) aurora-project could look to enjoy the same experience of playing all over the country..

this site

this is just testing if this is actualy working as the alst time we tried to create the official blog it wouldnt let us login untill we recreated the account, i might be typing this for no reason but dont computers act strange sometimes!