Tuesday, December 5, 2006

What am I to do with my life (tonight)….

Had an awesome night last night at the Ritz, think my alcohol tolerance is going down or something took me far 2 long to get into drinking but I guess £1.20 a john smiths helps alot and so normal service has resumed! By that I mean the Monday night of the past 5 years… can’t help but miss subspace though and I’m sure I will spend some Mondays at the other interesting night that’s started around Manchester…

Not 100% sure what to do with my self this evening (that is if carcinogenic aren’t practicing) had the chance to spent the evening with one of the people I love most in the world the wonderful Dana, her birthday 2day, I’m just really happy I got to see her last night and its so tempting to get the train down to crew and go out with her in a different city, need to get in contact with my band first! *gripe* people who have mobile phones should answer them and if you don’t then don’t come moaning to me about not bloody having one! Ok gripe over!

So my other options are take the night off, pop to a pub somewhere or go to satins, sitting her writing this being completely lazy seams to wins out but then I cant be bothered watching champions league football, or playing computer games at the moment.. maybe out of boredom ill go out?.... I’m really happy at the moment truth is over the moon about seeing an old friend in a week or 2, I just often get fed up at home… sitting in front of a computer all evening, I often go out just because of that!

Anyway who knows what this night will bring….
Remember aurora-project debut gig tomorrow £3 at the attic we are headlining, so get their for about half 9 or earlier to check out the other bands…

Tattoo appointment on Thursday and also grievance hearing at work (should be fun)


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